Author's photos that other project participants liked ImagesFrom 5641 to 5670 are shown (30 of 10591 found) ![View full-size image genus Betula](/dat/plants/8/841/680841.jpg?9a220c2e) | Берёза |
![View full-size image Symphoricarpos albus variety laevigatus](/dat/plants/8/840/680840.jpg?c32fcca6) | Снежноягодник приречный (...) |
![View full-size image genus Cotoneaster](/dat/plants/8/837/680837.jpg?5fab9f1c) | Кизильник |
![View full-size image Acer negundo](/dat/plants/8/833/680833.jpg?7a06acf7) | Клён американский (...) |
![View full-size image genus Crataegus](/dat/plants/6/688/680688.jpg?a86cd33f) | Боярышник (...) |
![View full-size image genus Betula](/dat/plants/6/687/680687.jpg?2ea72933) | Берёза |
![View full-size image genus Crataegus](/dat/plants/6/685/680685.jpg?25a280c3) | Боярышник (...) |
![View full-size image genus Crataegus](/dat/plants/6/684/680684.jpg?e9d372a4) | Боярышник (...) |
![View full-size image Salix purpurea](/dat/plants/6/622/680622.jpg?38a72d2d) | Ива пурпурная (...) |
![View full-size image Salix purpurea](/dat/plants/6/621/680621.jpg?1f7447c1) | Ива пурпурная (...) |
![View full-size image Salix purpurea](/dat/plants/6/620/680620.jpg?f6b570ec) | Ива пурпурная (...) |
![View full-size image genus Crataegus](/dat/plants/6/618/680618.jpg?336d31c6) | Боярышник (...) |
![View full-size image Actinidia kolomikta](/dat/plants/6/608/680608.jpg?4d1a8722) | Актинидия коломикта (...) |
![View full-size image genus Salix](/dat/plants/4/410/680410.jpg?0aff0cfd) | Ива (...) |
![View full-size image genus Euonymus](/dat/plants/3/368/680368.jpg?7c4c46b0) | Бересклет |
![View full-size image Cotoneaster horizontalis](/dat/plants/3/366/680366.jpg?64ed496a) | Кизильник горизонтальный |
![View full-size image Euonymus europaeus](/dat/plants/3/360/680360.jpg?0124e731) | Бересклет европейский |
![View full-size image Euonymus macropterus](/dat/plants/3/354/680354.jpg?f142a865) | Бересклет большекрылый |
![View full-size image genus Sorbus](/dat/plants/0/039/680039.jpg?234e52f9) | Рябина |
![View full-size image Kirengeshoma palmata](/dat/plants/0/021/680021.jpg?cbbfe8f2) | Киренгешома дланевидная |
![View full-size image Kirengeshoma palmata](/dat/plants/0/020/680020.jpg?e44e5ca2) | Киренгешома дланевидная |
![View full-size image genus Scutellaria](/dat/plants/0/018/680018.jpg?5876e93d) | Шлемник (...) |
![View full-size image Lobelia siphilitica](/dat/plants/9/932/679932.jpg?ccc86640) | Лобелия сифилитическая (...) |
![View full-size image Acer griseum](/dat/plants/8/851/679851.jpg?dbb8a4b5) | Клён серый |
![View full-size image genus Rosa](/dat/plants/7/797/679797.jpg?96067167) | Шиповник (...) |
![View full-size image Acer campestre](/dat/plants/6/684/679684.jpg?885d85c2) | Клён полевой (...) |
![View full-size image Acer barbinerve](/dat/plants/6/680/679680.jpg?e39105f9) | Клён бородатый (...) |
![View full-size image Sorbus intermedia](/dat/plants/6/679/679679.jpg?88d0d181) | Рябина промежуточная (...) |
![View full-size image Uechtritzia kokanica](/dat/plants/6/638/679638.jpg?0a54af0c) | Юхтриция коканская |
![View full-size image Cephalaria transsylvanica](/dat/plants/5/508/679508.jpg?12cfec74) | Головчатка трансильванская |