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Replication of the collection is prohibited. All rights to the images used in the collection belong to their authors. Copying and reprinting of images is possible only with the permission of the authors.
Authors of used images:
- Aleksandr Ebel
- Alexander Ivanov
- Dmitry Oreshkin
- Lena Glazunova
- Maksym Shevchenko
- Roland Tsantekidis
- Tamara Rib
- Tulkin Tillaev
- Victor Kishinevsky
- Yuliya Borisova
- Вадим Рыбаков
- Виктор Солодухин
- Виталий Гуменюк
- Галина Чуланова
- Дмитрий Кулаков
- Людмила Паламарчук
- Марина Скотникова
- Михаил Лучкин
- Юрий Синюков
- Юсиф Саркаров