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How the plant identification guide works?

online plant identification guide
Identification of plants

For the best results with plant identification, you should know the following.

1. A set of traits is used for the search

This means that the search will select only those taxa that have ALL of the marked traits.

For example, the species A has the traits red, yellow and blue, while the species B has the traits red and blue. Searching for red will return both species (A and B), while searching for red and yellow will return species A only.

2. The trait includes all nested (clarifying) traits

In other words, having marked a key trait, you conduct a search in all its variants, which are presented as nested traits. Therefore, if you are not sure about the presence of a particular variant of a trait in a plant, mark the more general one.

For example, there are the following traits:
  • green
  • complex
    • palmate-complex
    • pinnate-complex
The species A has the traits green and pinnate-complex. The species A will be found in cases when the following traits are marked during the search:
  • green
  • complex
  • pinnate-complex
  • green and complex
  • green and pinnate-complex
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