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How to change description and rubrics of a photo?

online plant identification guide
Photos of plants and lichens

The description and rubrics of any previously uploaded photo can be edited. You can edit the properties of not only your own photos, but also photos uploaded by other project members. Editing properties of photos is allowed to authorized users only.

It's possible to edit properties of photos

  1. on the page with full-size image by clicking on ("pencil") button or by pressing Ctrl+Enter on keyboard;
  2. on the page "Set of images" of a taxon (see below).

In order to do this, you need to make the following steps.

Search for a page with an image set containing a photo

  1. Open the page with the full size photo whose properties you want to change.
  2. Click on ("pencil") button located after the description below the image.

You can open the full size image by clicking on the preview. A complete list of plant and lichen images you have uploaded is available in your personal gallery (see the link "Plants and lichens" in the personal menu on the right panel of the site).

Opening the form for editing image properties

On the page "Set of images" of a taxon or on the page "Unidentified specimens" ("Unidentified plants and lichens"):

  1. Click on the preview of photo whose properties you want to change, or on ("pencil") button to left of preview;
  2. Select "Edit properties..." item in opened menu.

In the opened form "Image properties" you can

Saving of changes

  • To save the changes made in the form, click the "Apply" button.
  • To close the form without saving your changes, click the "Cancel" button.
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