Надежда Замкова | Это, наверное, O.gracilis.
И живёт, скорее всего, на чём-то бобовом. |
Holger Uhlich | Dear Nadeshda,
yes this is O. gracilis, probably forma hians Beck. Can I use this pic for my wiki project http://orowiki.org, please (considering the copyrights of course)?
Holger |
Надежда Замкова | Холгер Улих wrote:Dear Nadeshda,
yes this is O. gracilis, probably forma hians Beck. Can I use this pic for my wiki project http://orowiki.org, please (considering the copyrights of course)?
Dear Holger
Thank you for giving me a more accurate definition - I dont see this forma in my "Flora del País Vasco"
Of couse you can use this foto
Here you have a host plant (I dont know what is it) |
Holger Uhlich | Dear Nadeshda, the host seems to be a member of genus Medicago, but the species I don't know. I will ask a friend. Possible he help us. |
Holger Uhlich | Sorry I forgot: Thank you of course for the permission.
The infraspecific taxa hians was described by Günther Beck von Mannagetta in his monograph about Orobanche 1930 page 286. |
Holger Uhlich | Dear Nadeshda, the both pictures above (the possible host) are Trifolium scabrum. But I haven't see before O. gracilis on Trifolium. See also the host list on http://farmalierganes.com/Flora/Angiospermae/Orobanchaceae/Host_Orobanchaceae_Checklist.htm. |