Saxifraga cotyledon L. (familia Saxifragaceae)
Камнеломка котиледон
Камнеломка туполистник
Image of Saxifraga cotyledon specimen.
Соцветие. Ленинградская обл., Ломоносовский р-н, дер. Дубки, в культуре. 23.06.2012.
Dmitry Oreshkin © 2012; taxon identified by Andriy Kovalchuk
Shooting place: Дубки (view at maps of Google, OpenStreetMap, Yandex)

Identification history

  1. 2012-07-22 Dmitry Oreshkin published it as Saxifraga.
  2. 2012-07-23 Andriy Kovalchuk identified it as Saxifraga cotyledon.
See also: