Narcissus tazetta L. (familia Amaryllidaceae)
Нарцисс тацетта
Нарцисс букетный
Image of Narcissus tazetta specimen.
Соцветие. Греция, Халкидики, с. Неа Потидеа (Νέα Ποτίδαια), в культуре. 01.01.2013.
Roland Tsantekidis © 2013; taxon identified by Yuliya Borisova

Identification history

  1. 2013-01-01 Roland Tsantekidis published it as Narcissus.
  2. 2014-02-20 Yuliya Borisova identified it as Narcissus tazetta.
Can you clarify or correct the identification? Do you have doubts or comments? Register, and you will be able to move the photo to the required taxon!
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