Agropyron pinifolium Nevski (familia Poaceae)
Житняк хвоелистный
Житняк жестколистный
Image of Agropyron pinifolium specimen.
Часть побега. Крым, Карадагский заповедник, биостанция, степной склон. 25 июня 2013 г.
Alexander Fateryga CC BY-NC 2013
Shooting place: Карадаг (view at maps of Google, OpenStreetMap, Yandex)

Identification history

  1. 2013-06-25 Alexander Fateryga published it as Agropyron ponticum.
  2. 2014-06-11 Alexander Fateryga identified it as Agropyron.
  3. 2016-06-26 Alexander Fateryga identified it as Agropyron ponticum.
  4. 2016-06-26 Alexander Fateryga identified it as Agropyron.
  5. 2017-07-05 Alexander Fateryga identified it as Agropyron pinifolium.
See also: