![Image of Androsace barbulata specimen.](/dat/plants/8/812/219812_8b38f6fe.jpg)
Цветущие растения. Кабардино-Балкария, Эльбрусский р-н, окр. с. Терскол, выс. ок. 2200 м н.у.м. 17.05.2013.
Identification history
- 2013-12-18 Tatyana Nikulina identified it as unknown species.
- 2013-12-18 Natalia Gamova identified it as Androsace.
- 2013-12-18 Igor Nikolaev identified it as Androsace lehmanniana.
- 2016-10-24 Andriy Kovalchuk identified it as Androsace barbulata.
See also:
All photos of taxon (68)