Boswellia elongata Balf. f. (familia Burseraceae)
Босвеллия удлиненная
Image of Boswellia elongata specimen.
Вегетирующее растение. Сокотра, вади Айхафт. 05.01.2014.
Shooting place: Вади Айхафт (view at maps of Google, OpenStreetMap, Yandex)

Identification history

  1. 2014-01-14 Марина Скотникова published it as Magnoliopsida.
  2. 2014-01-14 Марина Скотникова identified it as Boswellia sacra.
  3. 2014-01-21 Марина Скотникова identified it as Boswellia.
  4. 2014-01-21 Марина Скотникова identified it as Boswellia elongata.
See also: