Equisetum telmateia Ehrh. (familia Equisetaceae)
Хвощ большой
Хвощ майский
Image of Equisetum telmateia specimen.
Спороносные и вегетативные побеги. Краснодарский край, м/о г. Новороссийск, у ручья. 22.03.2014.
Tatiana Vinokurova CC BY 2014; taxon identified by Dmitry Oreshkin
Shooting place: Пруд на Шесхарисе (view at maps of Google, OpenStreetMap, Yandex)

Identification history

  1. 2014-03-25 Tatiana Vinokurova published it as Equisetum arvense.
  2. 2014-03-26 Tatiana Vinokurova identified it as Equisetum.
  3. 2014-03-27 Dmitry Oreshkin identified it as Equisetum telmateia.
See also: