Ophrys fuciflora ssp. untchjii M. Schulze (familia Orchidaceae)
Image of Ophrys fuciflora ssp. untchjii specimen.
Верхушки цветущих растений. Словения, между дер. Sočerga и Dvori, остепнённый луг на вершине горы. 09.05.2014.
Denis Mirin © 2014; taxon identified by Alexander Fateryga
Shooting place: Маршрут Sočerga - Dvori (view at maps of Google, OpenStreetMap, Yandex)

Identification history

  1. 2014-05-18 Denis Mirin identified it as Ophrys.
  2. 2016-06-03 Alexander Fateryga identified it as Ophrys fuciflora.
  3. 2016-06-03 Alexander Fateryga identified it as Ophrys.
  4. 2016-06-04 Alexander Fateryga identified it as Ophrys fuciflora ssp. untchjii.
See also: