Swida australis (C.A. Mey.) Pojark. ex Grossh. (familia Cornaceae)
Свидина южная
Дёрен южный
Кизил южный
Свида южная
Image of Swida australis specimen.
Побег с соплодием. Крым, Бахчисарайский р-н, пос. Куйбышево, склон горы. 31.05.2014.
Maxim Vladimirovich © 2016; taxon identified by Vladislav Grigorenko

Identification history

  1. 2016-01-06 Maxim Vladimirovich published it as unknown species.
  2. 2016-01-06 Anna Malykhina identified it as Swida sanguinea.
  3. 2016-01-08 Vladislav Grigorenko identified it as Swida australis.
Can you clarify or correct the identification? Do you have doubts or comments? Register, and you will be able to move the photo to the required taxon!
See also: