Gagea altaica Schischk. & Sumnev. (familia Liliaceae)
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Гусинолук алтайский
Image of Gagea altaica specimen.
Цветущие растения (фоново цветут Ceratocephala). Казахстан, окр. г. Байконур. 16.04.2010.
Yuriy Danilevsky © 2016; taxon identified by Vladimir Epiktetov
Shooting place: Байконур (view at maps of Google, OpenStreetMap, Yandex)

Identification history

  1. 2016-01-08 Yuriy Danilevsky published it as Gagea.
  2. 2016-01-09 Vladimir Epiktetov identified it as Gagea altaica.
Can you clarify or correct the identification? Do you have doubts or comments? Register, and you will be able to move the photo to the required taxon!
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