Silene saxatilis Sims (familia Caryophyllaceae)
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Image of Silene saxatilis specimen.
Цветок. Кабардино-Балкария, Эльбрусский р-н, долина р. Ирик, ок. 2700 м н.у.м. 14.07.2016.
Gennadiy Okatov © 2016; taxon identified by Georgii Lazkov
Shooting place: Долина реки Ирик (view at maps of Google, OpenStreetMap, Yandex)

Identification history

  1. 2016-07-23 Gennadiy Okatov published it as Silene.
  2. 2016-07-25 Vladislav Grigorenko identified it as Silene ruprechtii.
  3. 2016-08-15 Igor Nikolaev identified it as Silene marcowiczii.
  4. 2020-09-26 Georgii Lazkov identified it as Silene saxatilis.
See also: