Natalia Gamova | ..а он у нас весь var. laevigatus ?  |
Сергей Майоров | Young twigs glabrous; leaves usually glabrous, varying to sparsely pilose on the lower surface ; the larger fruits usually 1-1.5 cm. in diameter when fully mature, in terminal and axillary glomerules; shrub 1-3 m. tall, rarely smaller in dry habitats; indigenous west of the Continental Divide; introduced into eastern North America ... S. rivularis [= var. laevigatus]
-- Young twigs finely crisp-puberulent ; leaves usually densely short-pilose, prominently reticulate, and pale green or glaucous beneath; mature fruits 6-10 mm. in diameter, in pairs or solitary in the upper axils ; shrub 20-80 cm. tall;
east of the Continental Divide Low diffuse or trailin .... S. albus
The characters of glabrous leaves and young shoots, large berries, and erect habit used to separate var. laevigatus from var. albus do not seem to be constant.
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