Delphinium paniculatum Host (familia Ranunculaceae)
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Image of Delphinium paniculatum specimen.
Цветущие растения. Тульская обл., Плавский р-н, окр. пос. Молочные Дворы, пашня. 08.06.2010.
Shooting place: Молочные Дворы (view at maps of Google, OpenStreetMap, Yandex)

Identification history

  1. 2018-07-20 Сергей Соколенко published it as unknown species.
  2. 2018-07-20 Ольга Красова identified it as Delphinium paniculatum.
Can you clarify or correct the identification? Do you have doubts or comments? Register, and you will be able to move the photo to the required taxon!
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