Stellaria brachypetala Bunge (familia Caryophyllaceae)
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Image of Stellaria brachypetala specimen.
Цветущие растения. Казахстан, Зап. Тянь-Шань, запов. Аксу-Жабаглы, ур. Бойдаксай, 2180 м н.у.м., лугово-степной склон сев.-вост. экспозиции. 16 июня 2018 г.
Vladimir Kolbintsev © 2018; taxon identified by Georgii Lazkov
Shooting place: Бойдаксай (view at maps of Google, OpenStreetMap, Yandex)

Identification history

  1. 2018-10-17 Vladimir Kolbintsev published it as Stellaria graminea.
  2. 2018-10-18 Vladimir Kolbintsev identified it as Stellaria.
  3. 2020-02-13 Georgii Lazkov identified it as Silene nocturna.
  4. 2020-02-13 Georgii Lazkov identified it as Stellaria brachypetala.
See also: