Salsola pontica (Pall.) Degen (familia Chenopodiaceae)
Солянка понтийская
Калийник понтический
Image of Salsola pontica specimen.
Отплодоносивший побег. Ростовская обл., Неклиновский р-н, Лакедемоновское с/п, Беглицкая коса, на супралиторали. 04.11.2018.
Anatoliy Kuzmin © 2018; taxon identified by Alexander Fateryga
Shooting place: Беглицкая коса (view at maps of Google, OpenStreetMap, Yandex)

Identification history

  1. 2018-11-04 Anatoliy Kuzmin published it as unknown species.
  2. 2018-11-04 Tatiana Vinokurova identified it as Salsola.
  3. 2021-10-07 Alexander Fateryga identified it as Salsola pontica.
See also: