Tripleurospermum disciforme (C.A. Mey.) Sch. Bip. (familia Asteraceae)
Трёхрёберник дисковидный
Image of Tripleurospermum disciforme specimen.
Соцветие. Таджикистан, Согдийская обл., долина р. Искандердарья, луг. 08.07.2018.
Денис Полевой CC BY 2018; taxon identified by Aleksandr Ebel
Coordinates: 39° 8′ 0.41″ N, 68° 27′ 7.67″ E (view at maps of Google, OpenStreetMap, Yandex)

Identification history

  1. 2018-11-12 Денис Полевой published it as unknown species.
  2. 2018-11-12 Aleksandr Ebel identified it as Tripleurospermum disciforme.
See also: