Corispermum leptopterum Iljin (familia Chenopodiaceae)
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Image of Corispermum leptopterum specimen.
Плодоносящее растение. Псковская обл., Гдовский р-н, дер. Лунёвщина, берег Чудского оз., песчаный пляж. 29.09.2018.
Dmitry Oreshkin © 2019; taxon identified by Denis Mirin
Shooting place: Лунёвщина (view at maps of Google, OpenStreetMap, Yandex)

Identification history

  1. 2019-02-12 Dmitry Oreshkin published it as Corispermum hybridum; identified it Denis Mirin.
  2. 2019-02-13 Denis Mirin identified it as Corispermum leptopterum.
See also: