genus Malus (familia Rosaceae)
Image of genus Malus specimen.
Веточка с цветками. Южный Берег Крыма, окр. пос. Лавровое 1,5 км западнее пгт Партенит, шибляк. 28.04.2019.
Pavel Yevseyenkov CC BY-NC 2019; taxon identified by Vladislav Grigorenko
Coordinates: 44° 34′ 38.77″ N, 34° 18′ 51.42″ E (view at maps of Google, OpenStreetMap, Yandex)

Identification history

  1. 2019-04-29 Pavel Yevseyenkov published it as Rosaceae.
  2. 2019-04-29 Vladislav Grigorenko identified it as Malus.
See also: