Artemisia campestris ssp. maritima (DC.) Arcang. (familia Asteraceae)
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Image of Artemisia campestris ssp. maritima specimen.
Часть побега. Франция, департ. Ланды, окр. г. Бискаррос-Плаж, дюны. 18.08.2019.
Денис Полевой CC BY 2019; taxon identified by Andriy Kovalchuk
Coordinates: 44° 27′ 15.13″ N, 1° 15′ 5.28″ W (view at maps of Google, OpenStreetMap, Yandex)

Identification history

  1. 2019-12-11 Денис Полевой published it as Chenopodiaceae.
  2. 2019-12-12 Andriy Kovalchuk identified it as Artemisia campestris.
  3. 2019-12-12 Andriy Kovalchuk identified it as Artemisia campestris ssp. maritima.
See also: