![Image of Cardamine amara specimen.](/dat/plants/4/452/674452_ada99cca.jpg)
Вегетирующее растение на мху Fontinalis antipyretica. Свердловская обл., окр. г. Заречный, урочище Черемшанское болото, русло р. Камышенки, на камне. 16.08.2020.
Identification history
- 2020-10-27 Aleksandr Kozlovskikh published it as unknown species.
- 2020-10-27 Aleksandr Kozlovskikh identified it as Brassicaceae.
- 2021-05-04 Dmitry Oreshkin identified it as Cardamine.
- 2021-10-09 Aleksandr Kozlovskikh identified it as Cardamine amara.
See also:
Discussion (6)
All photos of taxon (162)