Corydalis caucasica DC. (familia Fumariaceae)
Хохлатка кавказская
Image of Corydalis caucasica specimen.
Лист. Краснодарский край, м/о г. Новороссийск, южный склон Маркотхского хребта, дубово-буковый лес. 02.05.2021.
Ilia Mikheev CC BY 2021; taxon identified by Anna Malykhina
Shooting place: Большой Маркотх (view at maps of Google, OpenStreetMap, Yandex)

Identification history

  1. 2021-05-18 Ilia Mikheev published it as Corydalis.
  2. 2021-05-19 Anna Malykhina identified it as Corydalis caucasica.
See also: