genus Catharanthus (familia Apocynaceae)
Image of genus Catharanthus specimen.
Цветущее растение. Мадагаскар, провинция Фианаранцуа, р-н Ихурумбе, окр. г. Раноира, заповедник "Исало". 02.12.2019.
Вадим Должанский © 2022; taxon identified by Yuliya Borisova
Coordinates: 22° 33′ 37.61″ S, 45° 22′ 4.81″ E (view at maps of Google, OpenStreetMap, Yandex)

Identification history

  1. 2022-06-16 Вадим Должанский published it as unknown species.
  2. 2022-06-16 Yuliya Borisova identified it as Catharanthus roseus.
  3. 2022-06-16 Yuliya Borisova identified it as Catharanthus.
See also: