Fragaria nubicola (Lindl. ex Hook. f.) Lacaita (familia Rosaceae)
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Image of Fragaria nubicola specimen.
Цветущее растение. Бутан, дзонгхаг Тхимпху, национальный парк "Jigme Dorji". 02.05.2019.
Shooting place: Джигме Джорджи (view at maps of Google, OpenStreetMap, Yandex)

Identification history

  1. 2022-09-24 Вадим Должанский published it as unknown species.
  2. 2022-09-24 Michael Serebryanyi identified it as Duchesnea indica.
  3. 2022-09-25 Michael Serebryanyi identified it as Fragaria.
  4. 2022-09-25 Michael Serebryanyi identified it as Fragaria nubicola.
See also: