Carduus adpressus C.A. Mey. (familia Asteraceae)
Чертополох прижатый
Чертополох многопарный
Image of Carduus adpressus specimen.
Часть побега. Адыгея, Кавказский биосферный заповедник, хр. Каменное Море, ≈ 2050 м н.у.м., субальпийский луг. 10.09.2016.
Tatiana Vinokurova CC BY 2023; taxon identified by Anna Malykhina
Shooting place: Каменное Море (view at maps of Google, OpenStreetMap, Yandex)

Identification history

  1. 2023-02-27 Tatiana Vinokurova published it as Carduus.
  2. 2023-02-27 Anna Malykhina identified it as Carduus adpressus.
See also: