Ficaria stepporum P.A. Smirn. (familia Ranunculaceae)
Чистяк степной
Image of Ficaria stepporum specimen.
Цветущее растение. Ростовская обл., Октябрьский р-н, окр. станицы Заплавская. 23.04.2011.
Elena Antonova © 2011; taxon identified by Vladislav Grigorenko
Shooting place: Кадамовка (view at maps of Google, OpenStreetMap, Yandex)

Identification history

  1. 2011-05-25 Elena Antonova published it as Ficaria verna.
  2. 2018-03-19 Vladislav Grigorenko identified it as Ficaria stepporum.
See also: