Denis Germanovich Melnikov
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About Denis Melnikov

Денис Германович Мельников

Region: г. Санкт-Петербург (Saint Petersburg)

Web site/page:

Эколог. Окончил Удмуртский государственный университет в 2003 г. Работаю научным сотрудником в Ботаническом институте РАН в отделе Гербарий высших растений. Область научных интересов: систематика растений, флористика, экология. Любимые группы: Lamiaceae, Alchemilla, Rosa, Poa.

Ecolog. I graduated from the Udmurt State University in 2003. I work as a researcher at the Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the Herbarium of higher plants. Research Interests: plant systematics, floristics, ecology. Favorite taxa: Lamiaceae, Alchemilla, Rosa, Poa.

ICQ: 127437528

Denis Melnikov in the photo

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Created and published stuff

Photos of plants and lichens:636
Taxa with photos:189
Additional synonyms:1
Parent taxa of hybrids:24
Russian names of taxa:960
Links to web resources:1150
Red Lists:3
Image collections:1
Photos of landscapes and habitats:1
Geographic points:5


Categories of Russian names of taxa:822
Identifications of plants and lichens:2596
Descriptions of specific features of taxa:24
Botanical descriptions of taxa:126
Additional informations for taxa:106
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