Sergey Appolonov
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Trifolium fragiferum
Клевер земляничный (...)

About Sergey Appolonov

Сергей Михайлович Апполонов

Region: Россия, Чувашия, г. Шумерля

Web site/page:

Деятельность: Школа Травоведа, резьба по дереву, сбор дикоросов, составление индивидуальных сборов из лекарственных трав, витаминные чаи, инфузные масла из дикоросов.

Occupation: herbalist, gathering wild plants, making vitamin herbal teas (mint, camomile, mixed) and herbal remedies; open-air seminars on herbs (spring and summer); woodcarving, spoon carving.

Sergey Appolonov in the photo

июль 2011 г.

Objects on map

Created and published stuff

Photos of plants and lichens:2512
Taxa with photos:581
Russian names of taxa:270
Links to web resources:58
Floristic lists:1
Image collections:10
Photos of landscapes and habitats:162
Geographic points:54
Sets of points and regions:5


Categories of Russian names of taxa:505
Identifications of plants and lichens:155
Descriptions of specific features of taxa:1
Botanical descriptions of taxa:1
Additional informations for taxa:3
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