Александр Лебедев
Personal page

online plant identification guide
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About Александр Лебедев

Region: Москва

Профессиональный гид. Организовываю путешествия в разных регионах. Автор книг "В горах Алтая", "Алтайскими тропами", "По Русскому и Монгольскому Алтаю" и "Взойти на Эльбрус".

Objects on map

Created and published stuff

Photos of plants and lichens:9908
Taxa with photos:2023
Russian names of taxa:60
Image collections:3
Photos of landscapes and habitats:4783
Geographic points:585


Categories of Russian names of taxa:57
Identifications of plants and lichens:187
Descriptions of geographic points:42
Descriptions of landscape/habitat photos:66
Additional informations for taxa:3
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