Natalia Pankova
Personal page

online plant identification guide
Latest photos
Astragalus arnacantha
Астрагал колючковый (...)
late spring — early summer

About Natalia Pankova

Наталия Панкова

Region: Московская область, Дубна.

Web site/page:

Люблю природу. Много путешествую. В последние годы мы с мужем ходим под парусом по Средиземноморью. Приглашаем в гости на наш совместный интернет-ресурс "Путеводка"!

Natalia Pankova in the photo

Objects on map

Created and published stuff

Photos of plants and lichens:7546
Taxa with photos:1062
Russian names of taxa:3
Links to web resources:3
Floristic lists:4
Photos of landscapes and habitats:1397
Geographic points:66


Identifications of plants and lichens:241
Descriptions of geographic points:1
Descriptions of landscape/habitat photos:15
Descriptions of specific features of taxa:2
Botanical descriptions of taxa:1
Additional informations for taxa:12
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