Astragalus skorniakowii
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D. Podlech включает этот таксон в Astragalus masenderanus Bunge. Цитата из Podlech & Zarre (2013):
Note: The only obvious character for separating several taxa, like hairiness of the legumes is not a good one. A. masenderanus is described as having glabrous ovary like A. kurdaicus with glabrous fruits. A. skorniakovii is described as having hairy legumes. In the whole area we can find plants with glabrous or scattered to loosely hairy fruits. There is no geographically separation between the different types. Just in Iran and Turkmenistan we can find both kind of legumes everywhere but also in the other and more eastern parts of the area where they are sympatric. In all other characters the mentioned species are identic. Plants with hairy legumes of A. masanderanus from Iran have been named var. trichocarpus by Rechinger on labels (Khorasan, Montes Hazar Masdjid, 200 - 2500 m, 8.-9.6.1948, K.H. Rechinger & P. Aellen 5065) (W!; foto MSB!; iso: B!, E!, G!, K!, LD!, M!). Therefore we combine all these plants under the oldest name A. masenderanus Bunge.
Типовой образец A. masenderanus. Копия обсуждения.
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