Nikolay Stepanov | Голотип

Протолог: Степанов Н.В. Заметки о некоторых видах Pulsatilla (Ranunculaceae) из Приенисейских Саян // Систематические заметки по материалам Гербария им. П.Н. Крылова ТГУ. № 109. Томск: Изд-во Том. Ун-та, 2014. С.14.
Yuri Postnikov | Протолог:
Степанов Н.В. Заметки о некоторых видах Pulsatilla L. (Ranunculaceae) из приенисейских Саян.//Систематические заметки по материалам Гербария им. П.Н. Крылова ТГУ. № 109. Томск: Изд-во Том. Ун-та, 2014. С.6–19.
Pulsatilla usensis Stepanov sp. nov. (рис. 1, E, F / Figure 1, E, F).
Caules 12–25 (30) cm alt. Folia radicalia, synanthia, 5–25 cm lg., longipetiolata, petiolis laminae 1.2–2-plo longior; laminis ovato-lanceolatis, pinnatisectis, trilaciniatis; laciniae laminarum petiolatae, 3-dissectae lacinis dentatis ordinis tertii 1.5–2 mm lat. Flores late aperti, stellati, sub finem anthesis anguste-campanulati. Tepala 3.5–4.5 cm lg., 0.8–1.1 cm lat., violaceo-caerulea, oblongo-lanceolata. Fructiculi pilosi aristis plumosis.
Typus: prov. Krasnojarskij, distr. Ermakovskij, viridarium nationale «Ergaki», vallis fl. Us, 25 km ad meridiem ab statione Idzhim, steppa petrosa. 05.05.2011. N.V. Stepanov (Holotypus KRSU, isotypi – TK, LE).
Affinitas. A speciebus propinquis floribus stellatis, sub finem anthesis anguste-campanulatis, pedunculis curvatis differt; a Pulsatilla tenuiloba (Turcz.) Juz. et Pulsatilla bungeana C.A. Mey. dimensionibus magnis differt; a Pulsatilla ambigua (Turcz. ex Pritz.) Juz. foliis 3-pinnatis differt.
Stems 15–25 (30) cm tall. Basal leaves develop during flowering, 5–25 cm long, long-petiolate, petioles 1.2–2 times longer than the lamina; with oval-lanceolate, pinnatisect lamina; primary lobes of lamina stalked, thrice dissected into dentate lobes 1.5–2 mm wide. The flowers are wide open, star, narrowly bell-shaped at the end of flowering. Tepals are oblong-lanceolate, 3.5–4.5 cm long, 0.8–1.1 cm wide. Fruitlets pubescent with long pinnate aristae.
Type: Krasnoyarsk region, Yermakovskiy district, the natural park "Ergaki", valley of the Us river, 25 km southwards of station Idzhim, rocky steppe. 05.05.2011. N.V. Stepanov (Holotype KRSU; isotypes – TK, LE).
Relationship. This taxon differs from closely related species by stellate flowers (in early flowering), narrowly bell-flowers (at the end of flowering) and bent peduncles; from Pulsatilla tenuiloba (Turcz.) Juz. and Pulsatilla bungeana C.A. Mey. differs by large size; from Pulsatilla ambigua (Turcz. ex Pritz.) Juz.– by thrice pinnate leaves. |