Parrya tianschanica
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Вот что написано по поводу авторства этой комбинации у Al-Shehbaz & German (2013):
NOTES. By citing two collections as ‘type’, Nikitina (1967) invalidly published the name Parrya tianschanica under Art. 40.1 (McNeill et al. 2012). A combination with the same epithet was validated later by Botschantzev (1972: 673) by citing the single collection as ‘lectotype’ (i.e., holotype; Art. 40.3) in the genus Neuroloma, which was used as the basionym for validating the name P. tianschanica (German 2012b).
Протолог Parrya tianschanica Nikitina (Флора Киргизской ССР. Дополнение, вып. 1: 112(-113), 75(-76). 1967):
Обнародование комбинации Neuroloma tianschanicum (Nikitina) Botsch. (Ботанический журнал 76(6): 673. 1972):
Обнародование комбинации Parrya tianschanica (Botsch.) D. A. German (Turczaninowia 15(2): 40(-41). 2012):
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