Forestiera ligustrina
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Типовой гербарный образец (голотип?) Adelia ligustrina Michx.: Протолог Adelia ligustrina Michx. (Flora Boreali-Americana [Michaux] 2: 224. 1803):
Обнародование комбинации Forestiera ligustrina (Michx.) Poir. (Encyclopédie Méthodique. Botanique [J. Lamarck & al.] Supplément 2(2): 664. 1812 [3 Jul 1812]):
Протолог Nudilus paradoxus Raf. (Atlantic Journal, and Friend of Knowledge 176. 1833):
Протолог Forestiera verrucosa Raf. и Forestiera glauca Raf. (New flora and botany of North America, or, A supplemental flora, additional to all the botanical works on North America and the United States 3: 90. 1836):
Протолог Geisarina verrucosa Raf. (Alsographia Americana 6. 1838):
Протолог Forestiera autumnalis Buckley (Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 14(1): 7. 1862):
Протолог Forestiera wrightiana Lundell (American Midland Naturalist 29(2): 487–488. 1943):
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