Tulipa maximowiczii
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Есть мнение, что
Tulipa maximowiczii Regel is a synonym of Tulipa linifolia Regel
http://plantsoftheworldonline.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:543000-1 https://www.gbif.org/species/5299580
Да, эти виды морфологически близки и многие зарубежные авторы их синонимизируют, но вот что пишет о T. maximowiczii Ben Zonneveld (взято отсюда):
The true T. maximowiczii Regel was not available for study as it could not be maintained in culture (W. Lemmers, personal observation). It is morphologically similar to T. linifolia but has upright leaves, acuminate tepals and at the base of the tepals, a small blue-black spot flanked by a white to cream edge. There is, moreover, a striking difference in karyotypes as it is the only species with 2n = 22 (Botschantzeva 1962). The plants in culture under T. maximowiczii turned out to be T. linifolia.
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