Show listKey traits are properties of the taxon, by which it can be found using the plant identification guide.
The list of key traits is not an accurate description of the properties of taxon!
In some cases lists may contain deliberately added traits which the plant actually does not possess, but which can be mistakenly noted during a cursory or insufficiently detailed examination of the sample. Such botanical "mistakes" make it easier for laymen to find plants.
If you are interested in a exact botanical description of a taxon, follow the links in the "Web resources" section, search the Internet, or take advantage of the specialized literature.
Овсяницы Китая |Морфологическое описание (англ. яз), карты распространения, поперечный срез листа, строение чешуй, для некоторых видов - сканы голотипов.
Рисунки | plantillustrations.orgComplainПодборка из 70 цветных ботанических иллюстраций данного рода, из различных книжных изданий (на англ.яз.)
Festuca // Плантариум. Растения и лишайники России и сопредельных стран: открытый онлайн атлас и определитель растений. [Электронный ресурс] URL: (дата обращения: 09.03.2025).
Festuca // Plantarium. Plants and lichens of Russia and neighboring countries: open online galleries and plant identification guide. URL: (accessed on 9 Mar 2025).