Соцветие. Латвия, Цесисский край, питомник луковичных растений, в культуре; происхождение — Узбекистан, Сурхандарьинская обл., Сариасийский р-н, окр. пос. Сангардак.
Янис Рукшанс © 2021
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Так это будет выглядеть: | Gymnospermium darwasicum на сайте «Плантариум» |
Ссылки для публикаций
Рукшанс Я. 2021. Изображение Gymnospermium darwasicum (Regel) Takht. // Плантариум. Растения и лишайники России и сопредельных стран: открытый онлайн атлас и определитель растений. [Электронный ресурс] URL: https://www.plantarium.ru/page/image/id/684774.html (дата обращения: 02.02.2025).
Ruksans J. 2021. Image of Gymnospermium darwasicum (Regel) Takht. // Plantarium. Plants and lichens of Russia and neighboring countries: open online galleries and plant identification guide. URL: https://www.plantarium.ru/lang/en/page/image/id/684774.html (accessed on 2 Feb 2025).
Просмотры: 325Обсуждение
Дмитрий Орешкин | Janis, usually it's not necessary to add name of species in description of photo, because name of taxon is always shown in title of page. It have a sence in just one case, when you have determined the photographed plant as one species, but this species is synonimized in our database with another species.
So, description of photo usually have to have three parts: (1) subject ("What is shown?"), (2) place ("In what geographical region in which environment the plant was found?") and date ("When the photo was taken?").
The order of parts of description is important! It designed specially to make information maximally clear and easy to understand. |
Янис Рукшанс | Thank you, Dmitrij! I'm not so often on Plantarium, so not easy to follow all rules. Now finished scanning of old pictures and due Covid what cancelled a lot of activities, now I have free time, checking some plants, pictures etc. and so I can put something from my collection of some 5000 samples of bulbous plants.
I can't understand negative vote (zamileno) on Gymnospermium darwasicum. Both pictures are very sharp, best quality. May be due resizing according Plantrarium rules they are not so good for printing, but I can't see any faults on published pictures. |
Дмитрий Орешкин | I think both photos of Gymnospermium darwasicum lost sharpness and textures when resized in photoeditor (it happens frequently when wrong scale method was chosen). If you send me original files, I'll see is it possible to prepare better images. |