Potentilla × angarensis
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Может в родительских видах поменять P.hypoleuca на её основное название - P.multifida? Тем более что во Флоре Сибири 2-й родитель указан именно так (в примечаниях к Potentilla argentea, из которой авторы решили гибрид не выделять, т.к. он только в присутствии обоих родителей встречается). И ещё, пока в сборах из окрестностей Аршаново мне попались из потенциальных родителей типичная Potentilla argentea и P.tergemina (из той же секции, что multifida, различия только по одному признаку). Не может ли такой же гибрид получаться из P.argentea x P.tergemina?
Вот что по этому поводу пишет И. Сояк (Feddes Repertorium 120 (2009) 3–4, 185–217):
Potentilla approximata BUNGE in LEDEB. group In southern Siberia P. argentea L. hybridizes with three species of sect. Pensylvanicae (Multifidae) which are somewhat similar to each other. Derivatives of these three hybrid combinations are sometimes difficult to distinguish. In theory, the offspring of P. argentea × P. conferta BUNGE in LEDEB. should have longer indumentum of petioles and larger number of leaflets than the offspring of other two combinations. Derivatives of P. argentea × P. multifida and P. argentea × P. tergemina SOJÁK should mainly differ to one another by the length of hairs of petioles. To check these assumptions experimentally, I carried out all three crossings. Theoretical considerations were thus confirmed. Resulting F1 hybrids were characterized as follows: P. argentea × P. conferta had lower cauline leaves with (2–)3 pairs of leaflets and petioles with (1.5–)2–2.5 mm long hairs; glandular sepals were an important character. P. argentea × P. tergemina had lower cauline leaves palmate or 2(–3)-paired pinnate and petioles with 1.2–2(–2.5) mm long hairs. P. argentea × P. multifida had lower cauline leaves palmate and petioles had hairs 0.4–1(–1.3) mm long. Both latter combinations had glandless sepals. Excepting sterility, I obtained by crossing P. argentea × P. conferta an exact copy of P. approximata existing in nature. By crossing P. argentea × P. tergemina I obtained a copy of the Siberian taxon described as P. angarensis POPOV. The type material of P. angarensis is a form difficult to distinguish from non-hybrid P. argentea, but I am sure it is of hybrid nature (almost identical forms commonly occur in central and southern Europe but in Siberia, where P. argentea is quite homogeneous, forms with shallowly dentate leaflets prevail and plants with leaflets deeply divided are, in my opinion, offspring of hybrids). By crossing P. argentea × P. multifida I obtained hybrids conforming with P. omissa SOJÁK described from southern coast of Baikal Lake. This is frequent on the outskirts of Irkutsk, in the airport and even in the streets. The upsurge of all hybrid species mentioned seems to have taken place parallel with colonization of Siberia. These species began to spread independently of their parents and the speed of dispersal was supported by the arterial railway. They now extended as far as Vladivostok. Their typical habitat is semi-cultural grasslands along roads.
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