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Родовое название Telanthera R. Br. было обнародовано Робертом Брауном в его работе "Observations systematical and geographical on the herbarium collected by Professor Christian Smith, in the vicinity of the Congo, during the expedition to explore that river, under the command of Captain Tuckey in the year 1816". Эта работа увидела свет в 1818 г. сразу в двух вариантах - как отдельное издание и как приложение к работе "Narrative of an expedition to explore the river Zaire, usually called the Congo, in South Africa, in 1816". В обоих вариантах это название упоминается в примечании к основному тексту. Observations systematical and geographical on the herbarium collected by Professor Christian Smith, in the vicinity of the Congo, during the expedition to explore that river, under the command of Captain Tuckey in the year 1816: 58. 1818 [3 Mar 1818]:;view=1up;seq=62 Narrative of an expedition to explore the river Zaire, usually called the Congo, in South Africa, in 1816, Appendix V: 477. 1818:
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