Aechmea caudata
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Типовой гербарный образец (голотип) Aechmea caudata Lindm.: Протолог Aechmea caudata Lindm. (Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps Academiens Handlingar, Ny Följd 24(8): 29, t. 6, f. 1–9. 1891):
Обнародование комбинации Hoplophytum platzmannii E. Morren, nom. inval. (La Belgique Horticole 25: 362. 1875):
Обнародование комбинации Hoplophytum luteum E. Morren ex Baker, nom. inval. (Handbook of the Bromeliaceae 42. 1889):
Протолог Aechmea henningsiana Wittm. и Aechmea platzmannii Wittm. (Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 13 (Beibl. 29): 12. 1891):
Типовой гербарный образец (голотип) Aechmea caudata var. variegata M.B. Foster: Протолог Aechmea caudata var. variegata M.B. Foster (The Bromeliad Society Bulletin 3: 47. 1953):
ANOTHER VARIEGATED BROMELIAD M. B. Foster AECHMEA CAUDATA var. VARIEGATA M.B. Foster var. nov. A var. variegata foliis albo virideque longitudinaliter striatis differt. Cultivated in Orlando, Florida since 1935. M. B. Foster No. 2834. (Type in U. S. National Herbarium). This new variety of Aechmea caudata is a striking contrast to the typical species A. caudata and has been a collector's item for several years. An illustration of this new variety is shown on page 10 of "Anzucht and Kultur der Bromeliaceen" by Walter Richter of Crimmitschau, Saxony, Germany and is listed as Billbergia forgetii; this plant has also been sold under the name of Aechmea forgetii. Rarely does this stunning variegated plant produce an inflorescence and like most such variegated forms does not reproduce by seed. It does, however, readily increase by offshoots whether in flower or not. The typical species, A. caudata being native to the southern temperate part of Brazil, is quite cold resistant.
Типовой гербарный образец (голотип) Aechmea caudata f. albiflora W.Weber & Roeth: Протолог Aechmea caudata f. albiflora W.Weber & Roeth (Feddes Repertorium 93: 337. 1982):
Обнародование комбинации Ortgiesia caudata (Lindm.) L.B. Sm. & W.J. Kress (Phytologia 66: 72. 1989):
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