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Discussion of the specimen

Цветущее растение. Воронежская обл., Лискинский р-н. 02.05.2008.

Determined as Lamium amplexicaule var. orientale

Author is Max L. Zaitsev

Topic started by Denis Melnikov

Discussion of the specimen

Растение с цветком и бутонами. Курская обл., г. Железногорск, в культуре. 7 апреля 2009 г.

Determined as Scilla siberica

Author is Nikolay Degtyaryov

Topic started by Max L. Zaitsev

Discussion of the specimen

Цветущее растение на пляже. Греция, Халкидики, п-ов Кассандра, с. Потидеа. 05.04.2009.

Determined as Papaver lecoqii

Determined by Andriy Kovalchuk

Author is Roland Tsantekidis

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Discussion of the specimen

Цветок (вид сбоку). Курская обл., г. Железногорск, цветник. 8 апреля 2009 г.

Determined as Leucojum vernum

Determined by Yuri Pirogov

Author is Nikolay Degtyaryov

Topic started by Nikolay Degtyaryov

Discussion of the specimen

Цветок. Греция, Халкидики, п-ов Кассандра. 05.04.2009.

Determined as Papaver lecoqii

Determined by Andriy Kovalchuk

Author is Roland Tsantekidis

Topic started by Vladislav Grigorenko

Discussion of the specimen

Завязавшийся плод-коробочка с остатками тычинок. Греция, Халкидики, полуостров Кассандра. 08.04.2009.

Determined as Papaver rhoeas

Determined by Denis Melnikov

Author is Roland Tsantekidis

Topic started by Denis Melnikov

Discussion of the specimen

Незрелые шишкоягоды. Узбекистан, г. Ташкент, Ботанический сад им. Ф.Н. Русанова. 14.03.2009.

Determined as Juniperus seravschanica

Author is Alim Gaziev

Topic started by Наталия Шульц

Discussion of the specimen

Цветущее растение. Греция, Халкидики, полуостров Кассандра. 07.04.2009.

Determined as Chenopodium strictum

Determined by Vladimir Papchenkov

Author is Roland Tsantekidis

Topic started by Vladislav Grigorenko

Discussion of the specimen

Соцветия. Горный Крым, 2 июля 2007 г.

Determined as Vicia cassubica

Determined by Galina Konechnaya

Author is Григорий Прокопов

Topic started by Vadim Prokhorov

Discussion of the specimen

Цветущие растения. Украина, г. Запорожье, о-в Хортица. 21.03.2009.

Determined as Veronica triphyllos

Determined by Galina Konechnaya

Author is Владимир Свириденко

Topic started by Galina Konechnaya

Discussion of the specimen

Цветущее растение. Украина, г. Запорожье, о-в Хортица. 03.04.2009.

Determined as Veronica triphyllos

Determined by Galina Konechnaya

Author is Владимир Свириденко

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Discussion of the specimen

Цветущее растение. Греция, Халкидики, полуостров Кассандра. 07.04.2009.

Determined as Leopoldia comosa

Determined by Lena Glazunova

Author is Roland Tsantekidis

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Discussion of the specimen

Верхушка стебля с цветком (диаметр 3 мм) и бутонами. Греция, Халкидики, полуостров Кассандра. 07.04.2009.

Determined as Anagallis arvensis

Determined by Max L. Zaitsev

Author is Roland Tsantekidis

Topic started by Denis Melnikov

Discussion of the specimen

Соцветие. Курская обл., Железногорский р-н, берег р. Свапа в окр. ур. Колпинская дача. 16 августа 2007 г.

Determined as Tragopogon orientalis

Determined by Nikolay Degtyaryov

Author is Nikolay Degtyaryov

Topic started by Nikolay Degtyaryov

Discussion of the specimen

Соплодие в конце плодоношения. Курская обл., г. Железногорск, ур. Опажье. 6 августа 2007 г.

Determined as Tragopogon dubius ssp. major

Determined by Vladislav Grigorenko

Author is Nikolay Degtyaryov

Topic started by Nikolay Degtyaryov

Discussion of the specimen

Молодое дерево. Греция, лес в окр. г. Салоники. 06.04.2009.

Determined as Sambucus nigra

Determined by Denis Melnikov

Author is Roland Tsantekidis

Topic started by Vladislav Grigorenko

Discussion of the specimen

Часть побега с незрелыми плодами (отсканированный образец). Курская обл., Железногорский р-н, ур. Кармановская дача. 24 июля 2007 г.

Determined as Oxalis stricta

Determined by Denis Melnikov

Author is Nikolay Degtyaryov

Topic started by Denis Melnikov

Discussion of the specimen

Часть стебля с цветками. Греция, Халкидики, пляж. 22.12.2008.

Determined as Cakile maritima

Determined by Andriy Kovalchuk

Author is Roland Tsantekidis

Topic started by Vladislav Grigorenko

Discussion of the specimen

Ветвь с почками. Греция, лес в окр. г. Салоники. 06.04.2009.

Determined as Acer monspessulanum

Determined by Lena Glazunova

Author is Roland Tsantekidis

Topic started by Galina Konechnaya

Discussion of the specimen

Цветки. Украинские Карпаты, Свалявский р-н, долина р. Пиня. Сентябрь 2006 г.

Determined as Galeopsis pubescens

Determined by Rostislav Lezhoyev

Author is Rostislav Lezhoyev

Topic started by Max L. Zaitsev

Discussion of the specimen

Цветущие растения. Курская обл., Железногорский р-н, пос. Михайловский, дачи Рясник. 23 июля 2007 г.

Determined as Xanthoxalis

Determined by Nikolay Degtyaryov

Author is Nikolay Degtyaryov

Topic started by Nikolay Degtyaryov

Discussion of the specimen

Цветок. Греция, лес в окрестностях г. Салоники. 06.04.2009.

Determined as Potentilla micrantha

Determined by Lena Glazunova

Author is Roland Tsantekidis

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Discussion of the specimen

Цветущее растение. Греция, лес в окр. г. Салоники. 06.04.2009.

Determined as Anemone blanda

Determined by Lena Glazunova

Author is Roland Tsantekidis

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Discussion of the specimen

Цветущее растение. Греция, лес в окрестностях г. Салоники. 06.04.2009.

Determined as Potentilla micrantha

Determined by Lena Glazunova

Author is Roland Tsantekidis

Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin

Discussion of the specimen

Цветущие растения. Украина, Запорожье, о-в Хортица. 02.04.2009.

Determined as Buglossoides rochelii

Determined by Vasyl Heluta

Author is Владимир Свириденко

Topic started by Galina Konechnaya

Discussion of the specimen

Взрослое дерево. Греция, лес в окр. г. Салоники. 06.04.2009.

Determined as Acer monspessulanum

Determined by Lena Glazunova

Author is Roland Tsantekidis

Topic started by Наталья Честных

Discussion of the specimen

Соцветие. Греция, лес в окрестностях г. Салоники. 06.04.2009.

Determined as Symphytum bulbosum

Determined by Lena Glazunova

Author is Roland Tsantekidis

Topic started by Наталия Замятина

Discussion of the specimen

Прошлогодние листья. Греция, лес в окр. г. Салоники. 06.04.2009.

Determined as Acer monspessulanum

Determined by Lena Glazunova

Author is Roland Tsantekidis

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Discussion of the specimen

Цветущее растение. Украина, Днепропетровская обл., бассейн р. Самоткань. 04.04.2009.

Determined as Gagea minima

Determined by Galina Konechnaya

Author is Tetiana Gorielova

Topic started by Tetiana Gorielova

Discussion of the specimen

Верхушка цветущего растения. Ставрополь. 02.08.2008.

Determined as Galeopsis tetrahit

Determined by Max L. Zaitsev

Author is Max L. Zaitsev

Topic started by Denis Melnikov

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