Ilex cassine L. (familia Aquifoliaceae)
Падуб кассине
Image of Ilex cassine specimen.
Верхушка побега с плодами. Краснодарский край, г. Сочи, м-р Лазаревское, парковое озеленение. 03.11.2024.
Ilia Mikheev CC BY 2024; taxon identified by Michael Serebryanyi
Shooting place: Лазаревское (view at maps of Google, OpenStreetMap, Yandex)

Identification history

  1. 2024-12-31 Ilia Mikheev published it as Magnoliopsida; identified it Dmitry Oreshkin.
  2. 2024-12-31 Michael Serebryanyi identified it as Ilex.
  3. 2024-12-31 Michael Serebryanyi identified it as Ilex cassine.
See also: