genus Phymatodes
List of species

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View taxon pagespeciesbrancifolia (C. Presl) C. Presl *  
View taxon pagespeciesconjugata (Reinw.) J. Presl *  
 speciesexcavata (Bory ex Willd.) C. Presl *  
 specieshastata (Thunb.) Ching *  
View taxon pagespeciesirioides (Poir.) C. Presl *  
View taxon pagespecieskwantungensis Ching *  
View taxon pagespecieslingulata (Sw.) C. Presl *  
View taxon pagespeciesmorbillosa C. Presl *  
View taxon pagespeciesoxyloba (Wall. ex Kunze) C. Presl ex Ching *  
View taxon pagespeciesphymatodes Maxon, nom. superfl. *  
View taxon pagespeciespolycarpus (Cav.) C. Presl *  
 speciespustulata (G. Forst.) C. Presl *  
View taxon pagespeciesquercifolia (L.) C. Presl *  
View taxon pagespeciesscandens (G. Forst.) C. Presl *  
View taxon pagespeciesscolopendria (Burm. f.) Ching *  
View taxon pagespeciessessilis (Kaulf. ex Kunze) C. Presl *  
View taxon pagespeciessylvatica (Schkuhr) C. Presl *  
View taxon pagespeciesvulgaris C. Presl, nom. superfl. *  
Red asterisk (*) marked taxa not present in the original source.
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