genus Neomammillaria
List of species

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View taxon pagespeciesbombycina (Quehl) Britton & Rose *  
View taxon pagespeciescompressa (DC.) Britton & Rose *  
View taxon pagespeciesdioica (K. Brandegee) Britton & Rose *  
View taxon pagespecieselongata (DC.) Britton & Rose *  
View taxon pagespeciesformosa (Galeotti ex Scheidw.) Britton & Rose *  
View taxon pagespeciesgeminispina (Haw.) Britton & Rose *  
View taxon pagespeciesmilleri Britton & Rose *  
View taxon pagespeciesparkinsonii (C. Ehrenb.) Britton & Rose *  
View taxon pagespeciesspinosissima (Lem.) Britton & Rose *  
View taxon pagespeciesstandleyi Britton & Rose *  
View taxon pagespeciestetrancistra (Engelm.) Fosberg *  
View taxon pagespeciesxanthina Britton & Rose *  
Red asterisk (*) marked taxa not present in the original source.
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