genus Tacsonia
List of species

online plant identification guide
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View taxon pagespeciesbicoronata Mast. *  
View taxon pagespeciesbuchanani Lem. *  
View taxon pagespecieseriantha Benth. *  
View taxon pagespeciesmanicata Juss. *1 
View taxon pagespeciesmixta (L. f.) Juss. *6 
View taxon pagespeciesmollissima Kunth *1 
View taxon pagespeciesquitensis Benth. *1 
View taxon pagespeciessanguinea (Sm.) Benth. ex Mast. *  
View taxon pagespeciesserrata H. Karst. *  
 speciessilantha Sodiro *  
View taxon pagespeciestacso (Cav.) Pers. *  
View taxon pagespeciestomentosa (Lam.) Juss. *1 
 speciestripartita Juss. *  
View taxon pagespeciesurceolata Mast. *  
Red asterisk (*) marked taxa not present in the original source.
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