| Topic started by Lena Glazunova | by Lena Glazunova new posts | |
| Topic started by Lena Glazunova | by Lena Glazunova new posts | |
| Topic started by Андрей Любченко | by Андрей Любченко new posts | |
| Topic started by Lena Glazunova | by Dmitry Oreshkin new posts | |
| Topic started by Андрей Любченко | by Dmitry Oreshkin new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Pilosella × densiflora![](/img/menu-icon-msg.gif) Белгородская обл., Губкинский р-н, запов. "Белогорье", "Ямская степь". Author is Nikolay Degtyaryov Topic started by Aleksandr Ebel | by Aleksandr Ebel new posts | |
| Topic started by Marina Novikova | by Lena Glazunova new posts | |
| Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin | by Dmitry Oreshkin new posts | |
| Topic started by Анна Суханова | by Анна Суханова new posts | |
| Topic started by Lena Glazunova | by Игорь Кузьмин new posts | |
| Topic started by Андрей Любченко | by Андрей Любченко new posts | |
| Topic started by Lena Glazunova | by Evgeny Berestovsky new posts | |
| Topic started by Андрей Любченко | by Андрей Любченко new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Elaeagnus angustifolia Днепропетровская обл., левый берег Днепра напротив с. Волосское, балка Диброва. Determined by Илья Турбанов Author is Tetiana Gorielova Topic started by Илья Турбанов | by Vladislav Grigorenko new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Anthemis ruthenica Днепропетровская обл., каменистый левый берег Днепра. Determined by Max L. Zaitsev Author is Tetiana Gorielova Topic started by Илья Турбанов | by Илья Турбанов new posts | |
| Topic started by Sergey Zelentsov | by Aleksandr Ebel new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Phleum phleoides Днепропетровская обл., левый берег Днепра напротив с. Волосское, балка Диброва. Determined by Tetiana Gorielova Author is Tetiana Gorielova Topic started by Tetiana Gorielova | by Aleksandr Ebel new posts | |
| Topic started by Виталий Гуменюк | by Илья Турбанов new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Erigeron venustus Кабардино-Балкария, Эльбрусский р-н, гора Чегет. Determined by Yuri Pirogov Author is Александр Лебедев Topic started by Nikolai Golubev | by Aleksandr Ebel new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Dactylorhiza fuchsii Костромская обл., Шарьинский р-н, пос. Зебляки, опушка елового леса. Determined by Lena Glazunova Author is Наталья Шуракова Topic started by Lena Glazunova | by Lena Glazunova new posts | |
| Topic started by Vladimir Epiktetov | by Aleksandr Ebel new posts | |
| Topic started by Aleksandr Ebel | by Aleksandr Ebel new posts | |
| Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin | by Aleksandr Ebel new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Asperula Краснодарский край, Кущевский р-н, станица Шкуринская, заросли тёрна в балочной степи. Determined by Vladislav Grigorenko Author is Андрей Любченко Topic started by Андрей Любченко | by Андрей Любченко new posts | |
| Topic started by Lena Glazunova | by Denis Melnikov new posts | |