| Topic started by Andriy Kovalchuk | by Dmitry Oreshkin new posts | |
| Topic started by Vadim Prokhorov | by Ivan Fomichev new posts | |
| Topic started by Наталья Воробьева | by Vadim Prokhorov new posts | |
| Topic started by Vadim Prokhorov | by Elvir Izmaylov new posts | |
| Topic started by Андрей Любченко | by Nikolay Degtyaryov new posts | |
| Topic started by Roland Tsantekidis | by Yury Ivanenko new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Epilobium tetragonum Краснодарский край, Кущёвский р-н, станица Шкуринская, пойма балки Боброва. Determined by Yuri Pirogov Author is Андрей Любченко Topic started by Nikolay Degtyaryov | by Yuri Pirogov new posts | |
| Topic started by Nikolay Degtyaryov | by Nikolay Degtyaryov new posts | |
| Topic started by Nikolay Degtyaryov | by Nikolay Degtyaryov new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Silene tatarica Республика Татарстан, Волжско-Камский заповедник. Author is Vadim Prokhorov Topic started by boris serebrov | by Dmitry Oreshkin new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Silene tatarica Республика Татарстан, Волжско-Камский заповедник. Author is Vadim Prokhorov Topic started by Denis Melnikov | by Denis Melnikov new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Eryngium planum Татарстан, Елабуга, высокий, песчано-скалистый берег Камы на территории Танайского леса. Determined by Андрей Любченко Author is Юлия Бабушкина Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin | by Elvir Izmaylov new posts | |
| Topic started by Lena Glazunova | by Dmitry Oreshkin new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Allium rotundum Чувашия, окр. г. Шумерля, Кумашкинский заказник, Соколова поляна. Author is Sergey Appolonov Topic started by Sergey Appolonov | by Sergey Appolonov new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Angelica sylvestris Республика Татарстан, г. Елабуга, берег р. Кама. Determined by Denis Melnikov Author is Elvir Izmaylov Topic started by Елена Корсун | by Елена Корсун new posts | |
| Topic started by Aleksandr Ebel | by Denis Melnikov new posts | |
| Topic started by Lena Glazunova | by Aleksandr Ebel new posts | |
| Topic started by Наталья Воробьева | by Yuri Pirogov new posts | |
| Topic started by Vadim Prokhorov | by Aleksandr Ebel new posts | |
| Topic started by Denis Melnikov | by Denis Melnikov new posts | |
| Topic started by Андрей Любченко | by Vadim Prokhorov new posts | |
| Topic started by Galina Konechnaya | by Nikolai Golubev new posts | |
| Topic started by Nikolai Golubev | by Nikolai Golubev new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Pilosella vaillantii Томская обл., Томский р-н, окр. с. Черная Речка, опушка соснового леса, на песке. Determined by Aleksandr Ebel Author is Aleksandr Ebel Topic started by Aleksandr Ebel | by Lena Glazunova new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Pyrus Узбекистан, г. Ташкент, Ботанический сад им. Ф.Н. Determined by Наталия Шульц Author is Alim Gaziev Topic started by Vladislav Grigorenko | by Lena Glazunova new posts | |